Amu Chemistry

Method of Assessment

There will be two (2) tests in the course, a midterm and a final given in modules four and eight respectively. The tests in this class will consist of multiple choice questions and/or short answer problems. Tests will be three hours long and focus on the material covered in the course. Tests may be administered using the Examity test proctoring service. Please verify in the course announcements and/or the Lessons tab if the course will use test proctoring. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor and the test proctoring service regarding any schedule changes or non- disability related accommodations. The course will have a comprehensive paper that will measure student understanding of the course objectives along with researhc and writting skills. Please refer to the APA Manual 6th edition for the format of the paper.

Amu Chemistry

To two decimal places, the formula mass of NaCl is 58.44 amu. When an ionic compound has more than one anion or cation, you must remember to use the proper multiple of the atomic mass for the element in question. An amu is a unit of mass, like a pound, gram, microgram, or tonne. An amu is a very, very small unit of mass, defined, as you know by now, as being exactly the mass of 12 isolated 12 C atoms in their ground state (which is just a way to eliminate kinetic or potential energy which would give the atoms more mass (remember E = mc²)).

The atomic mass is useful in chemistry when it is paired with the mole concept: the atomic mass of an element, measured in amu, is the same as the mass in grams of one mole of an element. Thus, since the atomic mass of iron is 55.847 amu, one mole of iron atoms would weigh 55.847 grams. An atomic mass unit is the same thing as grams per mole (1 amu = 1 g/mol). It is also the same thing as a dalton (1 amu = 1 Da). So if you don't know the amu for one of your elements, you can search for this particular isotope online to find the amu and natural abundance specific to that particular isotope. One twelfth of a mass of an atom of the carbon-12 isotope; a unit used for stating atomic and formula weights; also called dalton. Definition for Atomic Mass Unit (AMU):A mass unit that is exactly 1/12th the mass of a carbon 12 (C12) atom (approximately 1.67E-24g).


Course assignments will be given using multimedia software (e.g. MyLabsPlus, Connect, etc.). These assignments will be a series of quizzes consisting of exercises, problems, and simulations. Assignments will have a specific due date with specific instructions. Late assignments will be subject to the university’s Late Work/Make-up Policy detailed in the student handbook. Please be advised the instructor reserves the right to implement their own late assignment policy.


Throughout the term, homework will be given in several modules to test student understanding of the material. Homework will be given using multimedia software (e.g. MyLabsPlus, Connect, etc.) and consist of questions, problems, or simlations. Please be advised the instructor reserves the right to implement their own late assignment policy.

D.Discussion Forums:

Participation in the discussion forums is an essential component of the final grade. All students are expected to engage in lively discussions and answer instructor follow-up questions. The quality of participations along with student netiquette will be a part of the grade.

Amu Chemistry

Amu Chemistry Meaning

Assessment of the Course Objectives

Weebly ecommerce 1.1 is live!. Course Objective(s)

Assessment Method(s)

1 - 6

Test question, paper, assignment, discussion, and homework

The following distribution will be used in assigning grades (decimal points will be rounded to the nearest whole number at semester’s end).


Quality Points/Grading Percent


4.0/ 100 – 94


3.67/ 93 – 90


3.33/ 89 – 87


3.0/ 86 – 84


2.67/ 83 –80



2.33/ 79 – 77


2.0/ 76 – 73


1.67/ 72 – 70


1.33/ 69 – 67


1.0/ 66 – 64


Google classroomeffective curriculum ideas. 0.67/ 63 – 60


Why you need site search. 0.0/ 59 – 0

Amu Chemistry Department

NameGrade %
Discussion Forums10.00 %
Week 4 Forum5.00 %
Week 8 Forum5.00 %
Homework20.00 %
Chapter One Homework3.33 %
Chapter Two Homework3.33 %
Chapter Three Homework3.33 %
Chapter Four Homework3.33 %
Chapter Five Homework3.33 %
Chapter Six Homework3.33 %
Quizzes30.00 %
Chapter One Quiz5.00 %
Chapter Two Quiz5.00 %
Chapter Three Quiz5.00 %
Chapter Four Quiz5.00 %
Chapter Five Quiz5.00 %
Chapter Six Quiz5.00 %
Final Assessment10.00 %
Week 8 Paper10.00 %
Tests30.00 %
Midterm15.00 %
Final15.00 %