Wordpress React

This is a photography WordPress theme built entirely on React. It is mainly focused on performance. To speed up the navigation, it uses pre-caching and download the content your visitors might access before they even access it. WordPress with React – Implementing Headless WordPress with ReactJs Categories ReactJS WordPress. WordPress needs no introduction unless a person lives in the caves. For a world that is so reliable on the internet for every piece of information, CMSes shouldn’t appear surprising at all. @wordpress/react-i18n Edit. React bindings for @wordpress/i18n. Installation # Installation. Install the module: npm install @wordpress/react-i18n This package assumes that your code will run in an ES2015+ environment. If you’re using an environment that has limited or no support for ES2015+ such as lower versions of IE then using core-js or @babel/polyfill will add support for these methods.

WordPress & React Tutorial: JSON REST API example. In this little demo, I’m going to build an e-commerce store to sell online courses. I won’t go in much detail for the e-commerce part though. I want to focus on what’s essential for us here: generating a React app that’s tied to WordPress data thanks to the WP REST API.

Figma - Zeplin Zeplin is a connected workspace for product teams where you can share, organize and collaborate o. Figma is the first interface design tool with real-time collaboration. It keeps everyone on the same page. Focus on the work instead of fighting your tools. On the other hand, Zeplin is detailed as '. Zeplin and figma. Translating the wall of screens in Figma to an organized hierarchy in Zeplin connects the designers’ creative work to the developers’ production work, it’s a critical step in our workflow. Check out Case Study. Zeplin Zeplin is a tool that helps your team collaborate and organize a project seamlessly. Unlike the two aforementioned, Zeplin is not an independent UI design tool, which means you have to create and edit the design in other standalone tools like Sketch and Figma and then import the draft into Zeplin.

Wordpress React

Some developers just prefer working in React. I don’t blame them really, because I like React too. Maybe that’s what they learned first. I’ve been using it long enough there is just some comfort to it. But mostly it is the strong component model that I like. There is just something nice about a codebase where things are constructed from components with clear jobs and responsibilities.

Wordpress React Js

It’s not terribly common to see WordPress sites built with React though. The standard way to use WordPress is through themes that are essentially styles and PHP files that handle the templating. Frontity is changing that though. Frontity is a React-powered framework that digests your WordPress site’s API and builds the entire front end in React with all the powerful tools you’ve come to expect from that type of environment.

OMG, Now That’s a Fast Setup

This is how I was able to get started. At the command line, I did:

Then I went into the folder it created and did:

That instantly spins up a site for you to start working with.

To make it feel more real for me, I did went into frontity.settings.js and changed the source API to point at CSS-Tricks:

Mac fingerprint reader for loginadvantageload. And now look at what I get:

That’s wild. Click 2 crop full. For some projects, that’s straight up ready to deploy.

Check out their intro video which steps through this exact thing

Getting to Work

My first instinct with things like this is to get my hands into the styling right away. The theme that installs by default is the Mars theme and they have a nice guide to help wrap your mind around how it works. The theme uses Emotion for styling, so the components have styles you can mess with right in them. I found the <HeadContainer> component in index.js and immediately did the background: red change!

It hot-module-reloaded that sucker instantly:

Is this one of those client-side only technologies?

That’s what I thought to myself. I mean, one of the advantages of using WordPress as-is is that you get the server rendering for free. That means no SEO worries (we know client-side rendered sites can take a week or more to be crawled for every change). That means resiliency and speed.

Frontity does do server side rendering! It uses Isomorphic rendering, meaning you need a Node server to render the pages, but that means the browser will get fully formed HTML for pages!

It’s a perfect match for Vercel, basically.

Similarly to how easy a new site is to scaffold and run in development, all you have to do to prep it for production is:

Then run the Node server:


I also really like that there is community around all this. If you need help, you’ll get it.

This is a best-of-all-worlds scenario.

I’m always very happy building sites with WordPress, and doubly so now that we have the block editor to use. I really like having an editor experience that helps me write and craft the kind of pages I want to create.

But I also like working with component-based architectures that have fast, easy-to-use, hot refreshing local development environments. Once you work in this kind of dev environment, it’s hard to use anything else! Beautiful DX.

And I also also want to make damn sure the sites I deploy to production are fast, robust, resilient, accessible, and SEO friendly.

Wordpress React Native

I’d get all that with a Frontity site.

Wordpress React Theme

Another thing I like here is that Automattic themselves is on board with all this. Not just in spirit, but they are literally big investors. I think they are very smart to see this as an important part of the WordPress ecosystem. Building with WordPress doesn’t mean not building with React, especially with Frontity doing so much of the heavy lifting.